From Appello and Postma (2005). Chapter 8

Fig 8.1 Mineralogy of soil development on granodiorite. Weathered rock residue is also called saprolite.

Fig 8.2 The Goldich weathering sequence.

Fig 8.4 Weathering products on volcanic rocks in Hawaii.

Fig 8.8 Saturation state of shallow groundwater for gibbsite.

Fig 8.10 The saturation index (log(IAP/K) of groundwater for Albite and Al(OH)3 in an area with granite weathering.

Fig. 8.11 The stability of anorthite and its possible weathering products gibbsite, kaolinite, and Ca-montmorillonite.

Fig 8.13 The stability diagram for K-feldspar and its weathering products. Superimposed is the pathway modeled with PhreeqC for incongruent dissolution of microcline.